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The Sell it, Sister! Podcast

Mar 30, 2022

I know it seems like when the money is coming in consistently that everything will be wonderful and that the money will smooth everything else over.

That’s rarely the case. Because as your business grows financially, usually your responsibilities do too.

You may have team you pay, larger investments you’ve...

Mar 23, 2022

If you consistently market but aren’t getting consistent sales it might be because you aren’t adding in enough sales activities.

When you’re a solo-entrepreneur or have a small team you’re often doing these in tandem and the lines can blur.

Plus, in our “content-centric” online spaces it can seem like the...

Mar 16, 2022

We want to make money in our businesses, but sometimes (a lot of times) money comes with baggage.

Stories and emotions both old and new often bubble to the surface when it comes to looking at and managing our financials.

But sticking our heads in the sand is not a good business practice! So what’s a person to do?

Mar 9, 2022

You’re already doing marketing so why not maximize your efforts?

Often there are simple things we can do in order to get a larger return on investment for the time we spend marketing our offers.

When you do these things you’ll stop feeling like all you’re doing is putting out content and waiting for people to...

Mar 2, 2022

Time and time again when I work with clients who are stuck at a growth plateau it’s not that they aren’t smart enough, or that they aren’t working hard enough.

In fact, they’re usually working way harder than they have to be!

In their frustration many have said to me, “I just want to do what I do and not have...